Final word

Now the project is over and everyone comes back home.
For the final word we wish to thank some particular people :

  • Rudi Giot for his support, his ideas and his help during all the week;
  • Roald Baudoux for his work with Kyma without whom we would not have obtained a sufficient sound result;
  • Gregory Aerts for his work done for catching and analysing the internet radio streaming;
  • Lionel Lawson for his help about OpenInterface Workbench and for the time he has voluntarily granted to us;
  • All the organisation from ISIB and IP for the great job accomplished during all week;
  • And all the people that we would have forgotten without whom our project would not have resulted in a so short time.

Thank you all !

Project Status Day 9 : Monday 06/02/12

What has been done:

  • Finalized the control interface.
  • Finished editing the sounds in Kyma X.
  • Done the final test and adjustments.
  • Made the presentation and slides.

What will be done tomorrow:

  • Installation of the materials at iMAL.
  • Presentation rehearsal.

Problems & questions:

  • None.

Project Status Day 7 : Saturday 04/02/12

What has been done:

  • A working control interface.
  • Adjusting the sensors and Skemmi to interact with the control interface (via OSC messages).
  • Working Skemmi to interact with Kyma X (via OSC messages).
  • Analyzing/creating the sounds in Kyma X.
  • Testing the control interface with Processing.

What will be done tomorrow:

  • Finish editing the sounds in Kyma X.
  • Finish the final control interface.
  • Do the final test and adjustments.
  • Make the presentation and slides.

Problems & questions:

  • Problem with the resolution.

Filtering HeartBeat out of data

Yesterday, we finalized the scheme in OpenInterface we implemented to get the heartbeat out of the HRMI. Why did we have to finalize it? The HRMI sent out three kinds of data: Status, time and the heartbeat. We only need the heartbeat to send it to Kyma. We solved the problem by implementing two additional objects: ParameterListToArry and ParameterListFromArray. By selecting the right parameter, we can obtain the heartbeat without the other overhead. In the following days, we will test the different parameters to modify the sound (heartbeat, emotiv epoc and real-time streaming) and we will begin working out our presentation for Tuesday.

Project Status Day 6 : Friday 03/02/12

What has been done:

  • Working on Skemmi to send OSC messages.
  • Analyzing/creating the sounds in Kyma X.
  • Testing the control interface with Processing.

What will be done tomorrow:

  • Editing the sounds in Kyma X.
  • Work on Skemmi to interact with Kyma X.
  • Finish the control interface.
  • Do the final test and adjustment.

Problems & questions:

  • Problem with OSC message type.